Friday, November 7, 2008

Milestone: GreenTips, EcoTwits and Wackiness

Whoa! Today marks another milestone: The greentips reaches 200 unique original tips personally concocted by me. They are unadulterated and unrated, so watch out for some wacky ones that might pop up randomly. They now link to ecotwits, as well - with additional details about the tip (if any). Plus, the greentips (a.k.a EcoTwits) now has its own URL, so you can forward it to your friends for reference, or simply to laugh about. Here's a sample.
Also, the EcoTwits Widget has been approved by Widgetbox, so it is now included in their directory. For those who have been clamoring to install the greentips on their own sites and blogs, you may now do so using that widget.
EcoTwits now has 15 twitter followers in a span of less than a week! So why dont you join the bandwagon and follow EcoTwits as well.
And lastly, EcoTwits now has its own blog. Hurrahh! Its not much yet, but I will be aggressively developing all these things like a mutant octopus.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spin-Off from Green Tips: EcoTwits !

EcoTwitsFolks, I noticed something about the Green Tips: They actually look like tweets! Or that they may make good tweets! Most of them are naughty, funny, witty, wacky, short and sweet--quite perfect as tweets.
I decided to send these Green Tips as Tweets at least once a week via Twitter. And not only that, I just realized that not only bottles and paper can be recycled, but webapps as well! So I will try to make some widget out of it.
But for now, I'd like to introduce you to a spin-off from iBlackle's Green Tips. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you EcoTwits! The greatest thing that ever happened to ecofriendly tweeting!
You may follow EcoTwits to receive these updates via Twitter. Or you may install the EcoTwits Widget in your own blog and/or website.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Green Tips now reaches 150!

My self-compiled green tips now reaches a total number of 150! Most are wackier than ever! But still relevant and practical enough to save energy, avert global warming, and reduce carbon emission.
My favorite original green tip is still the same: Turn the lights off when making love.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dance for Earth

Earthling, if you don't yet feel a sense of oneness with the earth just yet, at least maybe you'll feel it among its crazy dancing inhabitants. :)
I've learned the Dance step myself. Maybe I'm going crazy but I feel like crying if I just sit still.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The 11th Hour

The 11th HourI watched The 11th Hour several times, learning that it is the Global Awareness to Environmental issues that must be spread to the public before a massive action can take place to avert global warming. Failure for the whole of humanity to take action can further increase the Earth's temperature to a few more degrees - further amplifying climate change. And you've seen what the continued climate change can do - flooding, more powerful hurricanes, and deadlier tornadoes, landslides, drought, animal extinctions. These are the effects we are reaping now because of our continued reliance on fossil fuels which releases more CO2, our destructive practices such as deforestation, and dumping toxic wastes that kill the oceans.
A few more degrees of increase to the average surface temperature of the earth can throw of the Earth's balance in a destructive way against man himself.
It's actually not the planet that we must save but humanity and life itself, because Earth can and will recover...when mankind is gone.


Fight Global Warming from the Heart of Humanity

Fight Global WarmingFor those who would like to know more details about how climate change and global warming is destroying our planet and hurting us, please visit
It's strange, but its really not global warming that we should fight: its the culture of consumerism and the apathy to the environment that we should fight. The battle begins in the heart of humanity.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Earth Day 2008

The Earth Hour came, now Earth Day cometh! Let me be a li'l ridiculous now by saying Earth Year is next! Let me beat them to it because I'm sure all the skeptics will point that out. On Tuesday, April 22, 2008 I hope you'll take time to enjoy the Earth on that one fine day, whether you love the earth or not.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

When the Parody becomes the Parodied

I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought that Google hacked my iBlackle logo! Google finally turned their search page into black! And take note of the message at the lower part. It seems so like iBlackle!
The snapshot you see of the Search Giant's page will probably last only an hour, but it will forever be in the annals of iBlackle's history!
What makes me so happy is that Google supports environmental causes such as Earth Hour.
And in this particular case, the parody became the parodied, but for a wonderful reason. Environmental Awareness!
Now, what are you waiting for?! Turn off your lights!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Earth Hour: All Black on March 29 @ 8pm

Turn all your lights off March 29, 2008 at 8pm. It's called Earth Hour. Support this cause to raise awareness on environmental issues such as Climate Change, Carbon Footprint, and so on.
It would be a great time for a candle-light dinner date with your love, eh?
But for the skeptical ones, suggest to them to gaze at the stars on this hour. If the whole city participates in this event it would be a perfect hour for city-dwellers to get a good view of the constellations. Inform your local police about this event, though. And be safe.
Its not the actual energy savings that count anymore. Its about raising Global Consciousness on Ecology.

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little."
- Sydney Smith

Earth Hour
Universe Today

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Green Comedy (funny videos on alternative energy)

I just discovered this today - some funny videos to make the boring topic of alternative energy sound funny. They're the guys from
But I must warn you: they keep saying "alternativenergy dot com....alternativenergy dot com" it might annoy you.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

More Options ▼ (Javascript Goodness)

iBlackle More Options InterfaceiBlackle finally mimics the iGoogle 'More ▼' interface. I must say, those iGoogle interface developers are pretty good, but their wizardy will not escape the fangs of iBlackle code parody implemented in javascript.
So for all the fans of iGoogle, and of course for the rest of iBlackle fans (weeeee!), behold the 'More Options ▼ ' interface to make your iLife much sleekier!

A Hundred Green Tips!

The Green Tips now reaches a hundred-fold! If you havent noticed the 'iBlackle Green Tips' yet, well they're personally-written ecofriendly tips by your humble iBlackle Developer.
I painstakingly compile them as I go along with my journey into becoming an earth-friendly inhabitant of this planet.
These tips appear (via AJAX) at the bottom of the iBlackle logo. For any fellow developer who's curious about the backend/middle-tier technology behind it, well its Zoho Creator! Thank you very much Zoho for providing an awesome AJAx service! The only thing I'm not happy about is that you keep on resetting my ticket (w/c disables my AJAX) so it's really cumbersome for me to get a new ticket twice a month. I'm hopeful that things will get better, because now i'm planning to convert The iBlackle Green Tips into a widget!!!

Push Button Eco-Friendliness

I do not know how effective this gadget is but, if I will be given a free sampler, I would definitely give rave reviews (har-har) to this eco-button thingie. The question remains how fast it "wakes up" your PC from the "eco-mode" state. They say "instantly" on their website, but its all relative to me.
In the meantime, I will stick to my nifty technique of setting my Windows XP desktop to "Stand By" mode and turning off my monitor when I go out for lunch. To me, its just a glorified "Push Button" version of my tedious technique above.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

iBlackle is Now on

GreenMaven has just included iBlackle in their roster of ecofriendly websites. Gee, thanks GreenMaven!
Well, of course greenmaven will be one of the priority sites in the iblackle search engine. See for yourself in iBlackle's Configuration.

iBlackle Search Engine Configurations

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

iBlackle is now Open Source for Collaboration!

Happy New Year Planet Earth! I am greeting our Planet with open arms! That's right! Open! iBlackle is now OPEN for Collaboration! Anyone can add their ecofriendly websites to be emphasized in iBlackle's search results!
Here's how it works: When you volunteer to add your site(s) to iBlackle's database, your website(s) will be given priority by iBlackle's spiders and emphasized in the search results.
So if you like to join, please go to this page and click on the "Volunteer to contribute" link. Then you will be taken to a series of pages to complete your profile as a contributor to iBlackle. If you do not have a Google account, you will be prompted to get one.
But please take note that only Green Ecofriendly websites will be allowed to be included in iBlackle's priority list.
I will be reviewing the sites often to check the integrity of the list. I will also be adding sites that I feel is worthy to be included on iBlackle's priority list, and I will personally delete non-relevant websites! Basically, the only thing I ask is for contributors to put in sites that are truly ecological, and support environmental issues or must aim to save the planet. If you feel shy to contribute and just want to add your site or suggest new ones, just send them via this contact page and I will add them to the list.
This improvement will morph iBlackle into a "General Purpose Search Engine with an Ecological Vent". It means that iBlackle will still provide relevant results when queried with general keywords (since it uses Google's General Search Engine) but whenever someone searches for terms which are environmental or ecological, iBlackle will return results that are more focused on ecological issues as influenced by the volunteer community of iBlackle. The ecological sites of the active green community will be given priority in the search results.
In essence, iBlackle will morph into a community-based, human-powered, collaborative search engine on ecological topics, while remaining as a general purpose "re-packaged" google search engine.
So go ahead. Volunteer now! Add your favorite green websites to iBlackle!
